Work Grunge
Woooooooooooooorkkkkkin' on Saturdays! It's 11:41 pm as I'm typing this and I still have school tomorrow but I believe sleep deprivation is a good preparation for the coming acad exam week. *sigh* And I really believe and take heart to the phrase "Sleep all day, Blog all night". I soooo miss that back in summer nights, all I do is blog and I'm with my bed on the daylight. Haha! So for now, all I do is to manage stuff I'm responsible in. This Saturday, I just added one. Haha! As of now, me and some of my friends and dearest schoolmates are training for something I might share up with you if possible. But sharing with some school matters is something I'am careful about and as much as possible I don't really do it (like our Leadership Training last July 28 and such). So I just wanna share with you what I wore on our training and the fun we had! If it weren't for the training, I'm supposed to attend a birthday party (</3) or go watch Paper Towns but because of it, I went to school. I don't have the idea yet on why I choose school over hangouts but I'm definitely sure I do this because I know I'll be rewarded. Hopefully. God's will. Now is just the time I may be able to share this with you because exam week is creeping in as I said. Social life + good grades= no sleep. Haay. Summer pleaseee! Haha! Jk! Here's what I wore:
Such resisting pose because I'm super shy with taking pictures when my sister's not the one taking it hehe
Me waiting for all vehicles to pass by. HAHA!
3 hours of training did that. haha! Thank God for a super productive and fruitful and fun training!
Shirt borrowed from sis haha #perks
white ripped jeans
Bag from my Mama Jhie
Red and Gold sandals
The jeans was not baggy this time hmmm. Suspicious.. haha!
To shy to take pictures in the middle of the road tsss haha
Late night selfeet with the comfy and good to go sandals. ❤️
IHope to have more adventures and opportunities to come. Such a blessed blessed 2015! ❤️ before this post ends, I want to share my life verse to you guys. It's James 1:17. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." but substantially "Every good and perfect gift comes from above.". It just means that every thing we have, especially the good ones are not just by chance or by luck or coincidence, but it is precious gift from God. James 1:17 ❤️ Good day everyone! Thank you and God bless! To my fellow schoolmates, God bless on the exam week! Study hard and be inspired ❤️