Prepare for a Debut
Another semi-formal night for a debut as a part of the entourage the night after last. It was exciting, fun, and all but of course finding something good to wear is one major trick. My sister and I decided to match for the night and I found this outfit very comfy altho the events place is three-storeys high and the heels were steep since I wear it once in a blue moon. I seldom attend parties like this and it's just my second time around. So to girls like me who doesn't know how to prepare for stuffs like this, let me give you some tips ;)
1. Know what kind of attire you must wear.
For us, it's semi-formal this time. If you happen to encounter this too, you can wear dresses, be it floral or plain. If you are not a dress girl, you can wear a sheer top plus pants like I did. You can wear stylish flats (valentinos, lace ups, etc.) or if you're part of the entourage, you might want to wear heels, pumps, but wedges can work, too. For hair, you can just straight it up and remember not to overdo it with big hair accessories.:) If you were asked to wear formal, you can wear full-length evening dresses and some heels or if you're kinda short, cocktail gowns will do, too! Curl you hair a bit or make an up-do for a change. Put some make-up. When it was my first time to attend, I don't have any idea if I should. But it's okay and it's normal to put on some when it comes to this occasions, especially when you are about to go front and give your message to the debutante. Some will do. Do not overdo it. I repeat. Do not. Haha! Foundation, eye shadow and shine your lips. It will do.
me and my twiin :)
2. Prepare for your gift days before and relate it with your speech (if needed).
Finding a gift for a debutante can be quiet hard especially when you don't know her quite well so it's important to find it 2-3 days before so that you can prepare for it and you have many options you can choose from with your given time. If you are obliged to give some speech, your gift should have relevance to your speech. Tell some story on why you picked that gift and tell her how this gift will help her. When I pick a gift, I ask myself if I will like it if I was the one given and I ask my friends for some opinions, too, so that I know she will like it, too.
3. Attend 2 hours later than the given time.
If the invi says 5:30, attend 7:30. Filipino time at it's best haha. Yes it's 5:30 in the invitation but it was an intention to make it earlier so that the house will be full by the time the party's supposed to start. Don't ever worry, you're not late. It's normal. Haha! But if you want to have a good seat, a not super cold and good view seat, be a little bit early.
May I in Santorini? Feels like!
4. Be cooperative and endure the elegance of the debutante.
It's her night so don't steal it and give her a night to remember. Clap your hands and loosen up to the music.
5. Presence is the best present.
Some doesn't attend because they have no gift to give. Just remember that a person will be happy by just simply seeing the people she loves on the special day she prepared for. Don't ever think about the gift because presence is more than enough. But of course, generosity is a must.
I hope my 5 points will help you someday. Make sure to come back whenever you need help or leave a comment below. I'm happy I can share some pointers I had from my experience and I feel like a vlogger. I hope many instances like this will come more. More sharing more fuuun!Thank you and God bless! :*